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Locally stored movies played via kodi (available on most platforms except ios) or MrMc (available on ios including Apple TV) have the ability to mute audio (profanity) or skip designated scenes. This is controlled via an .edl file.

Filterflix will read an uploaded subtitle file (.srt) and create an .edl file to mute profanities.  Any desired skip scenes would need to be added manually later as these obviously can not be determined from a subtitle file. The created .edl file (named exactly the same as the movie file other than the extension .edl) needs to be placed in the same folder as the movie in order for this to be recognized by kodi or MrMc.

Filterflix will also create 2 subtitle files (.srt) with the profanities filtered out.

  • One .srt file will contain the entire subtitles (with the filtered words replaced.)

  • The other subtitle file will ONLY contain those subtitles whose lines were muted by the filter. Accordingly, if you turn the subtitles on for the movie they will only display during muted sections. 


Please be aware - Filterflix does NOT edit the movie file - it only creates an .edl file which tells Kodi/MrMc WHEN to MUTE or SKIP!


Movies are often released with multiple versions.  This may be due to different theatrical releases, directors cuts or subtle editing differences from different countries.  As such, there is not just one universal subtitle file (.srt) for each movie.  Accordingly, you may need to try different .srt files to find one that matches the version of the movie that you have.   You can download multiple versions of subtitle files (.srt)  to test from various free sites online (ie  To "test" the timing of a subtitle track - download the desired .srt subtitle file and rename it to be the exact same title as the movie with the only difference being the extension (.srt rather than .mkv or .mp4, etc), place it in the same folder as the movie and then load this movie in any video program that recognizes .srt files (such as kodi or MrMc or VLC Media Player which is free and perhaps the easiest to use for this testing purpose).  Be aware, though, that when it comes to using the .edl files - only kodi or MrMc will recognize .edl files and thus allow for the filtering system to function!


This process of finding subtitles can be greatly simplified by using FlixTools which automates much of the finding and also allows manual adjust of the subtitle timing (ie move forward or back by any amount of time).



For more information on the creation of .edl files - see the "Instructions" section above!



<<< IN PROGRESS - may add option to download filters previously created by others >>>


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